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publication: "Figures de la faiblesse" - Co-edited by T. Hunkeler and M.-H. Soulet.

publication: "Figures de la faiblesse" - Co-edited by T. Hunkeler and M.-H. Soulet.

“Weakness is, as one might expect, not a popular term in the academic world. There is little interest in this notion marked by lack, deficit, even defect or failure. Its plasticity, lability and impalpability make it a literally elusive notion, both theoretically and disciplinarily. But weakness may be stronger than it first appears. This book invites us to leave behind the socio-cultural and symbolic presupposition that weakness is a notion without quality, and to focus on what it allows us to grasp intellectually and epistemologically - and perhaps even emotionally - about human experience.”

Edited by Thomas Hunkeler and Marc-Henry Soulet, this book takes the approach of weakness through a plurality of points of view from academic researchers (history, sociology, anthropology, literature, law), as well as writers and video artists. An original work that invites us to think differently about the world.”

Intellectual Property / All rights reserved. Anna Konik. 2017

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