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Latest 2022 / 2024
publication: "Figures de la faiblesse" - Co-edited by T. Hunkeler and M.-H. Soulet.

Robienie nowych światów zamiast dać spokój
Wybrane prace wideo z kolekcji Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski
Making New Worlds Instead of Forgetting About It
Selected video works from the collection of the Ujazdowski Castle Centre for Contemporary Art

Najgłośniej słychać milczenie / Silence Heard Loud
at the 19th filmPOLSKA - Polish Film Festival
11.09. - 18.09.2024 / Berlin & Potsdam

Spanish Premier of Silence Heard Loud at Impacte - Festival de Cinema i Drets Humans de Catalunya

Reading Hidden Stories with Anna Konik - Artist talks and film screenings
Sambara Art Gallery, Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo Auditorium, Liaquat Memorial Library,
Stadium Rd. Karachi & SABS University Jamshoro

Symposium - Art in Times of Culture Wars
University of the Arts, Poznań

XXIII Interakcje - International Art Festival
Curated by Janusz Bałdyga, Myroslava Ganyushkina
Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland

Opening Night - SILENCE HEARD LOUD (2022)
Festival of Migrant Film, Ljubljana

Group exhibition:
Curated by Monica Holmen and Rikke Komissar / Nitja Centre for Contemporary Art
Colaboration Štefánia Ďuricová / East Slovak Gallery

Group exhibition:
Curated by Rikke Komissar & Monica Holmen
Nitja Centre for Contemporary Art

Screening - DocPoint - Helsinki Documentary Film Festival
Silence Heard Loud / Najgłośniej słychać milczenie

ORŁY 2023 Festival of candidate films for the Polish Film Awards
(71 min., 2022)

Silence Heard Loud / Najgłośniej słychać milczenie
Film screenings at festivals:
* Inncontro Film Festival
* Screening Rights Film Festival
* Home of Others Festival / 8th edition of the House of Tolerance Ljubljana

TransWspólnoty: Wektory Przemian.
Kuratorzy wystawy: Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, Ada Florentyna Pawlak

Distant Tolerated Murder / Zukentiy Gorobyov & Anna Konik
Curated by / Kuratorki: Anna Łazar & Lada Nakonechna

Figures de la faiblesse
Workshop co-organised by Professors Marc-Henry Soulet (Chaire francophone de Travail social et politiques sociales) and Thomas Hunkeler (Département de Français), Université de Fribourg

Najgłośniej słychać milczenie / Silence Heard Loud
at the 19th Film Festival Millennium Docs Against Gravity.
Polish Premier / Polish Competition

Art Auction - Europejski dla Dzieci Ukrainy

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