At the centre of Konik’s attention is the human being — virtually all of her works are a process of ‘approaching’ the Other, resulting from encounters with other people and their realities. Taking the perspective of subjective experiences as her point of departure, the artist highlights their social aspect, and the viewer is confronted not only with an individual story but with broader contemporary issues. However, the work of Anna Konik refuses to be easily inscribed in the paradigm of critical art. It offers much more than just a critical description of reality or comments on the contemporary condition. Konik uses the language of video to convey her protagonists’ experiences and mental states, seeking formal solutions to translate complex mechanisms of memory work, retrospection, emotions, elusive intuitions or impressions into the syntax of video installation and the structure of exhibition space. In her works form and content always complement each other and are equally important.
W samym centrum zainteresowań Anny Konik znajduje się człowiek – niemal wszystkie jej prace są „dochodzeniem” do Innego, powstają w konsekwencji spotkania z innymi ludźmi, z ich rzeczywistościami. Wychodząc od pespektywy subiektywnych doświadczeń artystka wskazuje ich wymiar społeczny, a odbiorca konfrontuje się już nie tylko z indywidualną historią, ale z realnymi problemami współczesnego świata. Twórczość Anny Konik nie daje się jednak zbyt łatwo wpisać w nurt sztuki krytycznej. Jest dużo bogatsza niż krytyczny opis rzeczywistości, czy tworzenie komentarzy na temat współczesności. Konik transformuje na język wideo także przeżycia i stany psychiczne bohaterów swoich prac, poszukując takich rozwiązań formalnych, aby skomplikowane mechanizmy pracy pamięci, retrospekcji, ujawniane emocje, trudne do uchwycenia intuicje czy wrażenia przełożyć na składnię instalacji wideo i strukturę przestrzeni wystawowej. W jej realizacjach treść i forma zawsze są swoim dopełnieniem i zajmują równorzędne miejsca.
Anna Konik’s works, manifesting itself over the past several years mostly in the form of video installations, occupies and important, slightly separate, space in Polish art world. Her works are transgressive and interdisciplinary in their nature, they are situated at the intersection, or perhaps the shared spaces, between various artistic areas. The artist creates form which are complex and inhomogeneous, combining the properties which are most often scattered throughout various spheres of social activities. In her works she offers a new form of hybrid, transgressive audio-visual experience and the experienced world. The processes of transgressing and overcoming oppositions become a source of energy, from which Anna Konik’s art emerges – along with its forms, meanings, and aesthetics; both its artistic and social values.
Twórczość Anny Konik, manifestująca się w ostatnich kilkunastu latach przede wszystkim w postaci instalacji wideo, zajmuje w przestrzeni sztuki w Polsce bardzo specyficzne, odrębne miejsce. Tworzone przez nią dzieła mają charakter transgresyjny i transdyscyplinarny, sytuują się na pograniczach albo też wspólnych obszarach różnych dziedzin twórczych. Artystka powołuje do istnienia formy złożone i niejednorodne, łączące w sobie atrybuty zwykle rozproszone w różnych sferach aktywności społecznych. Proponuje w swej twórczości nową postać hybrydycznego, transgresyjnego doświadczenia audiowizualnego i doświadczanego świata. Procesy przekraczania i przezwyciężania przeciwieństw stają się źródłami energii, z której wyłania się sztuka Anny Konik, z której kształtują się jej formy, sensy, estetyka. Jej wartości artystyczne i zarazem społeczne.
from October 2024 - Head of the Experimental Film Department, Faculty of Animation and Intermedia, Department of Intermedia, Univeristy of the Arts in Poznań
2022 - Head of the Experimental Film Studio IV, Faculty of Animation and Intermedia, Department of Intermedia, Univeristy of the Arts in Poznań
2021 / 2022 Film Space Studio, Film Department, Academy of Art in Szczecin
2021 Visiting Lecturer - Photography Department, The Polish National Film, Television and Theatre School in Lodz
since 2020 Lecturer - New Media Art Department, Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technologies Warsaw
2019 / 2020 Video Lectures – Visiting Studio, Department of Media & Scenography, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
2017 / 2018 Rudolf Arnheim Associate Professor at the Department of Art and Visual History, Humboldt University, Berlin
2017 / 2018 Video Lectures, Department of Linguistics and Literature, Bielefeld University
2017 Liebelt Associate Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden
2016 Video Lectures – Visiting Studio, Intermedia Department, University of Arts, Poznan
2013 Video Lectures, Department of Linguistics and Literature, Bielefeld University
2012 Video Lectures, Department of Linguistics and Literature, Bielefeld University
2010 / 2011 Video Lectures, Department of Fashion Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
2009 Rudolf Arnheim Associate Professor at the Department of Art and Visual History, Humboldt University, Berlin
2008/2009 New Media Lectures at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Salzburg, Austria
2012 Ph.D. in Art at Department of Media & Scenography, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw (doctoral supervisor Prof. Jaroslaw Kozlowski)
2001/2002 Postgraduate studies under the supervision of Prof. Inge Mahn and Gunter Eisermann,
Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, Germany
1999 / 2001 Assistant to Professor Zofia Glazer, Department of Drawing, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
2000 M.A. Sculpture, Diploma under the supervision of Professor Grzegorz Kowalski, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
1995 / 2000 Department of Sculpture, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw. Studied under Professors Grzegorz Kowalski and Krzysztof M. Bednarski
since 2020 INSPIRE Advisory board member and co-author of NSPIRE Open Space in Geneva and Warsaw
2018 - 2023 Board of trustees, Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart
2018 / 2021 Compass Project, Birkbeck University of London
2017 ZiF Center for interdisciplinary Research, University Bielefeld
2009 / 2015 Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
2023 Travel Grant - "Polish culture worldwide" programme', Adam Mickiewicz Institute
2019 Delfina Foundation, London
2019 i-Portunus mobility grant
2019 Landis & Gyr Stiftung, Zug, Switzerland
2018 The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center
2016/2017 Artist-in-Residence, The Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN
2015 The Golden Thread Gallery-Flax Art. Studios, Belfast
2014/2015 The Nantes Institute for Advanced Study, Fellowship
2013/2014 New Europe College, Fellowship – International studio program of Landis & Gyr Foundation, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Ministry of Culture and National Heritage Fellowship, Warsaw
2011 / 2012 IASPIS - Swedish Visual Arts Fund’s International Programme, Fellowship, Stockholm
2011 ZiF Center for interdisciplinary Research, Fellowship, University Bielefeld
2009 Nomination for the "Polityka" Passports Cultural Award, Warsaw
2009 Nomination for the Views 2009 Deutsche Bank Foundation Award, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2008/ 2009 The Mellon Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin / Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
2007 "The young Poland" grant, National Culture Centre, Warsaw, Poland
2007 Artist in Residence - Zuger Kulturstiftung Landis & Gyr, Zug, Switzerland
2006 Artist in Residence - KulturKontakt, Vienna, Austria
2006 Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes, Artist in Residence, National Sculpture Factory, Cork, Ireland
2005 SPACES: World Artists Program, Cleveland, United States
2005 Polish Ministry of Culture Scholarship
2003/2004 Akademie Schloss Solitude Fellowship, Stuttgart, Germany
2003 Leube Fundation – Artist in Residence, Salzburg-Gartenau, Austria
2001- 2002 DAAD scholarship, Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weissensee, Germany
2001 Nomination for \\internationl media\art award, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe ZKM, Germany
LECTURES (selection)
2024 Reading Hidden Stories with Anna Konik, SABS University of Art, Design and Heritages Jamshoro, Pakistan
2024 Reading Hidden Stories with Anna Konik, Sambara Art Gallery, Muhammad Ibrahim Joyo Auditorium, Liaquat Memorial Library, Stadium Rd. Karachi, Pakistan
2023 Documentary film as a tool to transcend the burden of silence, Academy of avant-garde film
2018 Rudolf Arnheim Lecture, Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin
(within the framework of the Rudolf Arnheim Associate Professorship at the Department of Art and Visual History, Humboldt University, Berlin)
2016 Lecture, the Intercontinental Academia on Human Dignity, organised by ZiF in cooperation with the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS/Jerusalem)
2015 Lecture, École supérieure des beaux-arts de Nantes
2009 More or Less from the outside, lecture, Weissensee Fine Arts Academy, Berlin
2008 The Artist Her/Self, Lecture in KÜNSTLERHAUS, Salzburg (Introduction: Prof Dr. Barbara Wally)
Anna Konik’s work has been exhibited in numerous Polish and European galleries.
2016 In the Same City, Under the Same Sky... ZiF Center for interdisciplinary Research, University Bielefeld
2016 There Will not be Another End of the World, Monopol Gallery, Warsaw
2015/2016 Grain of Sand in the Pupil of the Eye. Video works 2000-2015, retrospective exhibition, Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2015/2016 In the same city, under the same sky..., National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest
2014 Faraway, So Near… Void Gallery Londonderry
2013 In the Middle of the Way - Gabor and Pati, Platan Gallery, Polish Institute Budapest
2013 In the same city, under the same sky… Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok
2012 In the same city, under the same sky… Swedish Parliament
2011 Play back (of Irène), ZiF Center for interdisciplinary Research, University Bielefeld
2011 Fear and Entranced, Atlas Sztuki, Lodz
2011 Our Lady’s Forever, Polish Institute Düsseldorf,909/
2010 The Villa of the Entranced, Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin
2009 Our Lady’s Forever, Städtische Galerie Wolfsburg
2008 Our Lady’s Forever, Kronika Gallery, Bytom
2007 Our Lady’s Forever, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2007 Our Lady's Forever, Eugen Lend Gallery, Graz, Austria
2007 In the Middle of the Way, Passagengalerie, Künstlerhaus Vienna, Austria
2005 In the Middle of the Way, SPACES Gallery, Cleveland, United States
2005 Voiceless, Play Gallery, Berlin
2004 Transparency, Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw; Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart
2000 Disco Relaxation – Windows Gallery, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2024 4th Karachi Biennale KB24, Pakistan
2024 Robienie nowych światów zamiast dać spokój - Wybrane prace wideo z kolekcji Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski / Making worlds instead of letting go - Selected video works from the collection of the Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle
2023 XXV International Art Festival "Interactions" Piotrków Trybunalski
2023 Power and Frailty, East Slovak Gallery, Kosice
2023 Power and Frailty, Nitja Centre for Contemporary Art
2023 Zanurzeni bosymi stopami w ciepłej wodzie, Visiting Gallery, Warsaw
2022 Transwspólnoty: Wektory Przemian / TransCommunities: vectors of change, in the frame of Fotofestiwal, Art_Inkubator, Lodz
2021 Sculpture in Search of a Place, Zachęta – National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2019 Trzy Plagi/Three Plagues, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
2017 The Wall. Art Face To Face With Borders, TRAFO, Szczecin
2016 9. Triennial, Miejska Galeria Sztuki Czestochowa
2015 Invisible Barriers: Moving Images, The Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
2014/2015 Progress and Hygiene, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw
2014 The Oxymoron of Normality, DEPO Gallery, Istanbul
2014 Deprivation - The Rise of Eastern Culture / Another Dimension, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok
2014 Hate Speech. I exclude the exclusion, Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw
2014 The Oxymoron of Normality, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok
2014 A Voice of Ones Own On Women's Fight for Suffrage and Human Recognition, Konstmuseum and Moderna Museet in Malmö
2013 Transition, Yapi and Kredi Art Center, Istanbul
2013 United States of Europe, De Maarkten, Brussels; Crawford Art Gallery, Cork; National Sculpture Factory, Cork, Ireland
2013 Divina Commedia, del Museo di Arte Contemporanea del Sannio ARCOS, Benevento, Italia 2011-2013 United States of Europe, Łódź; Lapinlahti Helsinki; Mekas Vilnius; Plataforma das Artes Portugal; Old Market Pallouriotissa Cypr; Motorenhalle Dresden; The Red House Sofia; Les Ecluses, fabrique culturelle et numerique France
2011 Tür an Tür, Polen – Deutschland. 1000 Jahre Kunst und Geschichte, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
2011 Divina Commedia, PAN Palazzo Delle Arti, Neapol
2010 Mediation/Space, Szara Gallery, Cieszyn
2010 Territories of the In/Human, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart
2010 Künstler in der KunstGesellschaft, Motorenhalle, Drezno
2010 I’m Not There, Kunstverein Hildesheim
2010 Views 2009, WRO Art Center, Wroclaw, Poland
2009 Views 2009, Zacheta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw
2009 Collection 5, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2009 On Tectonics of History, International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) New York
2009 The artist in the (art) society, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Basel
2009 Isolated, The Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
2008 Video Reflex, Synagogue Centre of Contemporary art, Trnava
2008 Teleportation and other Hybrids, Galerie U7, Frankfurt
2008 Souvenirs: Repressed Historical and Personal Memory in Polish and Israeli Art, The Haim Herzog Center, Univesity Ben Guriona, Israel
2008 Kraj: the Art of Artists of Polish Origins, Center of Contemporary Art, Opole
2007 Exitus - tod alltäglich, Künstlerhaus, Vienna
2007 Our Lady’s Forever: European Forum for Emerging Creation, Pépinieres, Luxembourg
2007 Outside Perspectives, The Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Ireland
2007 On Tectonics of History, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk, Poland
2006 Intimations of the Past, The Hungarian University of Fine Arts
2006 Zur Tektonik der Geschichte, Emil Filla Gallery, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
2006 Umwandlung-Transformation as a creation process, Berlin (Appendix to the 4th Berlin Biennale)
2006 Approaching the Other, Observation and Intervention– Xth Biennial Exhibition of Art “In view of Values”, Centre of Art Promotion, Lodz
2005 Approaching the Other, Observation and Intervention– Xth Biennial Exhibition of Art “In view of Values” Gallery of Contemporary Art, Office of Artistic Exhibitions, Katowice
2005 Polka, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2005 P.S. Beyond the Red Horizon – Art of the Late 20th Century – National Centre for Contemporary Art, Moscow
2004 Beyond the Red Horizon – Art of the Late 20th Century – Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2003 Deviations – K&S Gallery, Berlin
2003 Generations – K&S Gallery, Berlin
2001 Breaking News – Young Polish Performance, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2000 Scene 2000 – All-Poland Art Exhibition, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2024 German Premier Silence Heard Loud (2022) 19 FilmPolska Festival Berlin (screening)
2024 Spanish Premier Silence Heard Loud (2022) Impacte - Festival de Cinema i Drets Humans de Catalunya (screening)
2023 Opening Film Silence Heard Loud (2022), Festival of Migrant Film, Ljubljana (screening)
2023 Finnish Premiere Silence Heard Loud (2022), DocPoint – Helsinki Documentary Film Festival (screening)
2023 Silence Heard Loud (2022), ORŁY 2023 Festival of candidate films for the Polish Film Awards
2022 Austrian Premiere Silence Heard Loud (2022), INNCONTRO Film Festival, Austria (screening)
2022 Silence Heard Loud (2022), Social Justice Film Festival, United Kingdom (screening)
2022 Silence Heard Loud (2022), House of Tolerance Festival 2022, Slovenia (screening)
2022 Polish Premier Silence Heard Loud 19th Millennium Docs Against Gravity
2022 World Premier and Opening Film Silence Heard Loud, Human Rights Watch Film Festival London
2021 Film screening Po ramiu dangumi (lt.) / Obłoki płyną nad nami / Under a Placid Sky (2018) at the Kauno menininkų namai / Kaunas Artists' House, Lithuania
2020 Film screening Obłoki płyną nad nami / Under a Placid Sky, Lichtwerk Kino, Bielefeld & ZiF Bielefeld
2019 Landscape & Memory" Film/Video Festival, Zürich
2019 Kinoteka Film Festival, Stockholm
2019 25th Jewish Film Festival Berlin & Brandenburg
2019 14th filmPOLSKA Festival, Berlin - Obłoki płyną nad nami / Under a Placid Sky / Unter einem stillen Himmel. Screenings: Topographie des Terrors, kfs Kino
2018 Film screening Obłoki płyną nad nami / Under a Placid Sky, CCA Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2018 58th Film Festiwal in Krakow - Premier: Obłoki płyną nad nami / Under a Placid Sky
2012 In the same city, under the same sky… Parabola Film festival, Stockholm-Tensta
2008 Our Lady’s Forever, screening, 61st International Film Festival Locarno
2024 Inter3Lab, Tbilisi, Georgia
2024 GoMA, OneCaucasus Festival, Tserakvi, Georgia
2023 Symposium - Art in Times of Culture Wars, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznań. Documentation
2023 INSPIRE Open Space in Warsaw (created by Kasia Grabska (PRIO) and artists Anna Konik) - in prepartion
2022 INSPIRE Open Space in Geneva (created by Kasia Grabska (PRIO) and artists Anna Konik and Marisa Cornejo)
2022 Figures de la Faiblesse; Atelier de réflexion pluridisciplinaire, Universite de Fribourg
2021 Summer Academy AI & International Politics NRW
2021Silence Heard Loud: Seven People You'll Want To Hear From - A Refugee Week event, Birkbeck University of London
2021 DOC LAB Poland 'GO'
2019 Artist Talk, Burgbachkeller, Zug
2018 /2019 Series of Film Workshops, Birkbeck College, University of London
2018 In the same city, under the same sky...: a screening and artist's talk for refugee week, Birkbeck College, University of London
2017 Discussion - The Wall. Art Face to Face with Borders
2016 Workshop at the Department of Electronic Media and Audiovisual Culture, Lodzki University
2016 Discussion - In the same city, under the same sky... The Nantes Institute for Advanced Study
2016 Video workshop, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2015 / 2016 Video workshop, Labirynt Gallery, Lublin
2014 MUSRARAMIX Festival 14, Jerusalem
2013 Panel discussion accompanying the exhibition In the same city, under the same sky… with Anda Rottenberg, Aleksandra Chrzanowska, plk. Leszk Czech, Adam Kurluta and Anna Konik.
2012 Workshop, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok
2012 Our Lady’s Forever , Online gallery, Kulturhuset, Stockholm
2012 Open Studio IASPIS, Stockholm
2011 8th edition of the Festival of Jewish Culture of Singer "OURS - NOT OURS", Warsaw
2011 Open Studio IASPIS, Stockholm
2011 Culture TV, video screening by Szara Gallery and Arsenal Gallery
2010 Video workshop, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2010 Lecture and workshop, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok, Poland
2009 Artist's Talk, Max Liebermann Haus, Berlin (discussion with Ariane Beyn, DAAD Küstlerprogramm within the framework of the Rudolf Arnheim Associate Professorship at the Humboldt University, Berlin)
2009 Lecture and workshop, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok
2009 Foreigners in their Homeland, video screening, KUMU. Art Museum of Estonia
2008 In the Middle of the Way, workshop and video screening, Arsenal Gallery, Bialystok; Kronika Gallery, Bytom
2008 Under The Skin: New Video From Poland, New Museum, New York City
2007 Erinnerung in Bewegung, media art und videos, Stadtraum München
2007 On the road, cinema screening, Cieszyn
2007 verführen... reisen... navigieren: Transparency – video screening, [PLUG.IN], Basel
2007 You Can’t Come Closer, Directors Lounge 2007, Berlin
2006 You Can't Come closer, Cell Project Space, London
2005 Herzblut, ACC Gallery Weimar, Germany
2005 Subotnik, collaborative project with Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw
2004 Cultural Year of the Ten, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
H.E.S.A Art Collection / Warsaw, Poland
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
Podlaskie Association for the Promotion of Fine Arts, Bialystok, Poland
The Upper Silesian Museum, Bytom, Poland
Leube Art Foundation, Gartenau-Salzburg, Austria
Lublin Association, Zacheta Collection of Fine Arts, Poland
Art Stations Foundation, Poznan, Poland
Warminsko-Mazurskie Association, Zacheta Collection of Fine Arts, Poland
Silence Heard Loud, ed by: Anna Konik, Leslie Topp, Municipal Gallery Arsenał in Poznań, 2022
Grain of Sand in the Pupil of the Eye. Video works 2000-2015, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, 2016
In the same city, under the same sky... Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw: English version, 2015; Polish version, 2016
Fear and Entranced, Atlas Sztuki, Lodz, 2011
Video as Space, Institute of Art and Visual History, Humboldt University of Berlin, Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2010 (project catalogue)
Our Lady’s Forever, ed. Ewa Witkowska, Zacheta National Gallery, Warsaw, 2007
Transparency, ed. Ewa Gorzadek, Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland; Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stutgart, 2004
Sabina Sokolowska, New Phenomena in Polish Art after 2000, eds. Grzegorz Borkowski, Adam Mazur and Monika Branicka (Warsaw: Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle, 2007)
Ryszard W. Kluszczyński /
Text fragment:
Creative Borderlands —
Places of Community. Reflections
on the work of Anna Konik
Fragment tekstu:
Twórcze pogranicza —
miejsca wspólnoty. Rozważania
na temat twórczości Anny Konik
Ewa Gorządek /
Text fragment:
Anna Konik. Video as a
Transformation of Experience
Fragment tekstu:
Anna Konik. Wideo jako
transformacja doświadczenia